
        This was reported by a Debian user. Please retain
 426222-forwar...@bugs.debian.org in your responses, so that the Debian
 BTS may have a copy of your response.

 Version: 2.5.21 to current

utomatic grouping of windows with FvwmProxy (a rather new feature I
wanted to try) does not work. Manual grouping works, though.

You can try:

killall FvwmProxy

Then paste into FvwmConsole:

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmProxy: *
*FvwmProxy: Width 250
*FvwmProxy: Height 140
*FvwmProxy: ShowMiniIcons true
*FvwmProxy: EnterSelect true
*FvwmProxy: ProxyMove true
*FvwmProxy: ProxyIconified true
*FvwmProxy: Action Click2 Move
*FvwmProxy: Action ModifierRelease 4M SendToModule FvwmProxy Hide

*FvwmProxy: Group "Gimp" Include "Gimp"
*FvwmProxy: Group "Gimp" AutoInclude
Module FvwmProxy

Windows matching "Gimp" will not be grouped automatically (they don't
move/iconify in unison and the edges are not glued together as they do
when they are grouped manually by selecting a coloured group).


Ralph's Observation: It is a mistake to let any mechanical object
realise that you are in a hurry.
Manoj Srivastava <sriva...@acm.org> <http://www.golden-gryphon.com/>  
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