That's fine :-)


Am Freitag, 15. April 2011 schrieb Thomas Adam:
> Jason,
> Please find in pub/incoming/fvwm on the FTP server *four* tarballs.
> * Two sets of tar.gz/bz2 files for 2.6.0
> * Two sets of tar.gz/bz2 files for 2.7.0
> You don't necessarily need to mail out an announcement for 2.7.0 if you
> don't want to, I only version bumped to a new unstable version so that it
> wasn't lagging behind 2.6.0 being released.  Both these tarballs contain
> the same code at this point anyway.
> Please find the docs/ANNOUNCE file in the 2.6.0 tarballs as the release
> notes which you may mail out.
> Much appreciated.  Any questions let me know.
> Otherwise, that's it, guys.  2.6.0 is *out*.  :)
> -- Thomas Adam

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