Thomas Funk <> writes:

> Hi Dan,
> attached are 3 patches to enable support for changing the hard coded
> icon directory (~/.fvwm/icons).
> Patches for:
> fvwm-menu-desktop: add option --mini-icon-dir
> fvwm-menu-desktop.1: add description for new option in manpage
> fvwm-menu-desktop-config.fpl: add possibility to change the directory.
> Also 2 new desktops in the weighting list: cinnamon and mate
> These 2 "desktops" have own menus in new LinuxMint and without them in the
> list they will added as "others" to the menu list and get a check mark.
> Why the new option --mini-icon-dir:
> because fvwm-crystal for example has its own home diretory
> (~/.fvwm-crystal). If no ~/.fvwm folder exist fvwm-menu-desktop can't
> create the icons. So no icons appear in the menus.
> Hope you would apply these patches before release 2.6.6. Would be great.

They sound like good changes.
Might take a few days, a bit late now, and some guests coming over


Dan Espen

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