Dominik Vogt <> writes:

> Recently I find it annoying that hotkeys in menus can only be
> simple characters because of the menu item syntax, e.g.
>   + &FvwmConsole ToggleFvwmConsole
>     ^^^
> I'd like to extend the hotkey logic so that it also works with
> moulti character key names like "f1" and possibly sequences like
> "ctrl-shift-space".  The code to allow this whoould be mostly
> there already, so the question of syntax remains.
> One option would be to somehow extend the existing syntax to allow
> longer key sequences, e.g.
>   + FvwmConsole &(f1) ...
> (resulting in "FvwmConsole _f1_"), which might break existing
> menus.  ANother option might be to add a separate hotkey menu
> command, e.g.

Seems to me like the above is the simplest and most intuitive solution.
I doubt we have a lot of existing menus using "(" as a short cut.
It's not real easy to use a shifted key as a shortcut key.

Dan Espen

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