2013/9/24 Dan Espen <des...@verizon.net>:
> Thomas Adam <tho...@fvwm.org> writes:
>> Hi,
>> I need to send these out publicly so that whomever steps up to the plate to
>> run with this has an idea what needs to be done, and what that person it
>> letting themselves in for.  I've also been asked privately for me to
>> indicate areas of interest for anyone thinking of hacking on FVWM in the
>> future.
>> First of all, understand that FVWM [1] is over twenty years old.  A lot of
>> the workarounds are interesting and some still relevant today.  But not all.
>> Many of the hacks/workarounds, etc., you may come across in FVWM hail back
>> to a time when applications were all too literal in their use of the ICCCM,
>> yet we see no such applications in heavy use today (Tk is a good example
>> here).
>> That's small-fry compared to a lot of the design decisions FVWM is founded
>> on.  It's not surprising really, FVWM being so old means that things like
>> NETWM (later called the EWMH) was bolted on to FVWM's already doctrine
>> support of the ICCCM, without thinking about core data structures, etc.
>> Over time, this has lead to "organically grown" data structures, making
>> future expansion/changes difficult to impossible without there being some
>> very intrusive changes needed.  Xinerama support is another good example of
>> this---we see users who are crying out for per-screen workspaces, but
>> implementing this is very hard [2] without a rewrite of FVWM.
>> And I think that's the point here---there's only so many band-aids you're
>> going to be able to apply before FVWM starts to creak at the seams.  FVWM's
>> reached the point where it needs to be rewritten, its core data
>> structures/APIs reconsidered, for instance:
> Over the years, lots of cruft has been removed.
> I remember doing a few surgeries myself.
> We had the "great style rewrite" that
> permanently cured adding more style flags.
> I don't have to defend the organizational state of fvwm, I don't have
> another WM that supports so much stuff to compare it to.  But when
> changes are made, developers are expected to reorganize as required
> by the change, just don't tack weird things on.
> Of course how well that's done is always a matter of opinion.
>>     * Switching to XCB to avoid all the passive server grabs, etc., FVWM has
>>       had to do to workaround problems.  There's other benefits here, but
>>       that would centralise those "hacks" in FVWM up to the library in this
>>       case; less code;
> Just read about it.
> At work I support a bunch of people using Fvwm on Solaris.
> They'd be left out in the cold.
> We hear from AIX users once in a while too.
> Don't know if its there but I suspect not.
> If I'm reading right, Hummingbird Exceed is okay.
> Still if available for enough users, sounds like it might help.
> I don't think I'd be motivated though, Fvwm key bindings work pretty
> well for me.
>>     * Reconsider support for XPMs in FVWM, and have one image format;
>>       perhaps just SVG?  The image-loading routines found in lib/ no longer
>>       need to be as portable as they are;
> Hey, our old icon package is all xpm files:
> http://www.fvwm.org/download/icons.php
> Not that we can't fix that.
> Also a load my my icons are xpm.
> I've been around too long.

I like the possibility to use raster OR vector graphics. The pool of
SVG files are
significant smaller than PNG or XPM. Also it is easier to create a raster than a
vector image. This is one of FVWM's big plus points :-)

>>     * Ditch the Xinerama SLS support (implied by a move to XRandR outright);
> Need someone that wants XRandR bad enough.
> I tried rotating my 21" 1600x1200 and it was interesting, but
> display slowed down a lot.  Couldn't live with that.

Hmm ... haven't discovered this yet ...

I've experimenting much with XRandR and FVWM. For me the main disadvantage
is that you need a restart of FVWM to handle XRandR changes (e.g. resolution)
whilst other WM's can do this on the fly.

>>     * Consider using DBus as the API which is used to communicate to/from
> Is it available on all X Windows platforms?
> Is it faster than the pipes we use?
>>     * Go with a saner config file format---don't hand-roll your own.  This
>>       was fine back in 1993.  JSON might be a good choice here;
>>     * Unify commands and their syntaxes.  This epitomises FVWM's fault by
>>       providing the same functionality X number of different ways through Y
>>       number of commands.  Be consistent in the commands you use; their
>>       syntax, and their context;
>>         o This would do away with the need for functions/conditional
>>           commands as well;
> I'm pretty much for keeping Fvwm compatible release to release as much
> as possible.
>>     * Consider relicensing to something other than the GPL; maybe
>>       a dual-license?  The *BSD guys love FVWM.  Seriously.  I'd have
>>       dearly liked to have gone back to FVWM being BSD-licensed, but
>>       couldn't for obvious reasons;
> Yeah I think we're staying with GPL.  It's never made much difference.
>> That's more blue-sky thinking.  The immediate goals should be for you to
>> switch to Git and shove the thing on Github.  Per-project hosted sites are
>> not going to cut it in 2013, chaps and chapettes.  Really.  Get yourselves
>> noticed, and go hang with the cool kids.  Sure, you could make git.fvwm.org
>> authoritative, but at least have an official mirror on something like
>> GitHub.  It's where projects are noticed nowadays.  You can create
>> organisations therein and list members; might make the CVS permissioning
>> scheme in use obsolete, thank God.
> If we move our source, we would still need Jason for accepting release
> binaries, and we'd need to update CVS to get our web pages updated.
> So, I think a Git transition would necessitate moving the entire
> project,  web pages and all.

Only the project would needed to move. It's sufficient to make links to the
tags (releases). Github creates for each tag a tar.gz/zip file.

Another possibility is to use sourceforge as the new home. It has a better
infrastructure than Github (download controls, Blog, its' own newsletter, etc).
And it supports git, too.

> I'm not sure what all the steps are but I've been thinking of buying
> some web space.  Any comments?

First of all it has to be discussed how a new infrastructure could looks like.
And, if we are willing and have the manpower to do this step.

>> Note that this isn't anything personal or an attack on past contributors---
> I don't see an attack.
>> I think we (as in developers) have long since realised FVWM3 was meant to be 
>> a
>> rewrite.  It didn't happen.  Fair enough, but it's going to quickly turn
>> into a curio if it's not maintained past the point of applying band-aids.
>> The world's moving on with things, and FVWM isn't.
> I was never in favor of Fvwm3.
> Too many projects dump old and working forcing their users through
> a conversion.

Sooner or later X will be replaced with Wayland. From that point of view FVWM3
should use the reference window manager implementation Weston as a new base.

As Wayland has a stable API now we would have time to develop FVWM3 before X
will be replaced (I think this will take 2 or 3 years).

The only big problem is ... who would participate on this huge project
... With 2 or 3
people it's impossible because we're all workers mostly with families ...

>> [1]  By all rights it's meant to be written as 'fvwm'.  I personally
>> disagree with this, since it's an acronym, but whatever, the style is
>> already completely destroyed.
> Don't care.

It is like others:
KDE -> Kde
GNOME -> Gnome
XFCE -> Xfce

It is regardless how the name is written. Important is for what it stands for.


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