Hi Dan,

I have implemented two new options in fvwm-menu-desktop:
--app-icon NAME       set default application icon if no others found.
                      Default is gnome-applications.
--dir-icon NAME       set default directory icon if no others found.
                      Default is gnome-fs-directory.

because gnome-applications' and 'gnome-fs-directory' not available in
all icon themes.

Therefore I have restructured fvwm-menu-desktop-config to reduce the
window size to place the new options.

Would you check my new placements please if it is understandable? I
have removed some descriptions to hold the layout compactly. If all
suits I will write a manpage for fvwm-menu-desktop-config.

Attached is fvwm-menu-desktop-config.fpl and the new fvwm-menu-desktop
for testing.

Another point is the thing with a xdg menu for Fvwm. Should we ship
such menu with Fvwm generally? If so the question is what should we do:
install it under /etc/xdg/menus/ or ship it as an example file and the
user can decide by her/himself?

I have created a common one with the needed directory files and it
works fine on most systems. In some parts it could be changed but that
is another point ;-)


Attachment: preview_fvwm-menu-desktop-config.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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