Le Wed, 18 Dec 2013 12:52:59 +0100,
Dominique Michel <dominique.mic...@vtxnet.ch> a écrit :

> Hi,
> In fvwm man page:
> 31.6.5. Key
> Key [(window)] Keyname Context Modifiers Function
> Binds a keyboard key to a specified fvwm command, or removes the
> binding if Function is '-'.
> If I have ardour running, its class is Ardour, I get the following
> into the fvwm console:
> Key (Ardour) B          W M ToggleFail

Maybe I was not clear enough. When ardour have the focus and I press
Alt+B, I get the following:
> [fvwm][__execute_function]: <<ERROR>> No such command 'ToggleFail'
That imply the binding work fine.

> # The ToggleFail function doesn't exist
> Key (Ardour) B          W M -
Idem, that imply the binding was not removed:
> [fvwm][__execute_function]: <<ERROR>> No such command 'ToggleFail'
> # To remove the binding fail, but the following work:
> Key (Ardour) B          W M
> More strange is the following sequence:
> Key (Ardour) B          W M ToggleFail
The binding work:
> [fvwm][__execute_function]: <<ERROR>> No such command 'ToggleFail'
> Key (Ardour) B          W M ToggleWork
The new binding work:
> [fvwm][__execute_function]: <<ERROR>> No such command 'ToggleWork'
> Key (Ardour) B          W M -
The binding was not removed, but put back to its preceding state:
> [fvwm][__execute_function]: <<ERROR>> No such command 'ToggleFail'
The way to remove a binding as stated into the man page doesn't work:
> Key (Ardour) B          W M -
> [fvwm][__execute_function]: <<ERROR>> No such command 'ToggleFail'
The only way to remove a binding:
> Key (Ardour) B          W M
> # work
> Cheers,
> Dominique

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