On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 11:04:14AM -0600, Jaimos Skriletz wrote:
> Sometimes when a process stops the window will remain open until some
> event is triggered in fvwm (in my test I use FvwmIdent) in which fvwm
> will remove the window.

That is not possible unless either

 1) the process is not really dead,
 2) the X server has a bug,
 3) fvwm does not destroy the frame after the window has gone.

I've spent lots of time to get rid of any cases of #3, and what
you describe does not sound like "empty frame remains".

> The following script was provided by the user which launches and
> closes a large number of xterms. When running this script some of the
> xterm windows will remain even though the process is no longer
> running.
> On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 6:13 PM, Vincent Lefevre <vinc...@vinc17.net> wrote:
> > Simpler test case:
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > #!/bin/sh
> >
> > n=${1:-200}
> > n=$((n+0))
> >
> > for i in `seq $n`; do xterm -geometry 80x24+$((2*i))+$((2*i)) -e true & done
> >
> > wait
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

That's how I've tested that the frame always gets removed.

> After this script ends a few windows remain and can be moved,
> iconified, shaded, resized. But if you run FvwmIdent something is
> triggered which removes all the affected windows.
> I was not able to reproduce this on my main machine (though rarely I
> would have a window stick around for a second or two before it was
> removed, most weren't even drawn), but I was able to reproduce this
> with the default config on both the debian 2.6.7-3 package and the
> master branch from git inside a virtual machine.

Maybe it's a problem with the X server in a virtual machine?  I
don't have such a setup to test that, but it doesn't happen on a
plain X server with or without config and neither in Xnest for me.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


Dominik Vogt

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