Hello all, I have been using and abusing FVWM for a 14-15 year now.
I have made it long ago to look like CDE, and recently had a chance to
rewrite this all as some kind of heavyweight theme and wrapper around
fvwm. Called it NsCDE (Not so Common Desktop Environment).
( https://github.com/NsCDE/NsCDE.git )

Yes, many say this is sick, but I like it and I have discovered there are
much more lunatics like me in wild, so I'm not alone. :-) But for some things
to look smooth and more like original I had to alter code of the FvwmButtons.

I have added two options: WindowName and second argument for arrow
indicator on triangle which says if triangle will look pressed or depressed
(indicator 12 in|out). Default is out and it can be ommited for backward config
compatibility. WindowName is when I want transient FvwmButtons panel to
have title bar with title that contains spaces and symbols which cannot be
part of the alias to FvwmButtons module in configuration. I'm not much a
programmer. Specially not for C, but I have a text editor and a good will. I'm
attaching a patch proposal in the hope it will be considered and eventualy
merged if it is not really bad. Edited also manpage.

Sorry for my horrible english ...

... one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire
was that, lacking zero, they had no way to indicate
successful termination of their C programs.
          -- Robert Firth

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