On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 12:10:11PM +0200, Juanjo Garcia wrote:
> I have a dual-headed configuration.
> fvwm2 works well and everything.
> My question is :
> Is there a way to configure a key combination
> to switch from one screen to the other one ?

Yes!  The WindowId command allows to select the root window of
another screen and WarpToWindow can move the pointer there:

Alt-F1: go to screen 0
Alt-F2: go to screen 1

  Key F1 A M WindowId root 0 WarpToWindow 50 50
  Key F2 A M WindowId root 1 WarpToWindow 50 50

That works in 2.5.x and in 2.4.19.

> Please reply Cc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> since I am not a subscriber of the list.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


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