          [Please retain the CC to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           so that the Debian BTS has a record of your input]

          This was reported by a Debian user.

        Starting with 2.5.12, when gaim popups its window (when a new
 message arrives for example), the window gets the
 focus, even when  it is on a new desktop.  With previous version, it
 would get the focus only when  it appears on the current desktop and
 appears below the mouse cursor

        This is very annoying, since, at each new message, even when
 gaim is "parked" on another desktop, I loose the focus.

 Here is my focus policy :

 Style * FPEnterToFocus
 Style * !FPLeaveToUnfocus
 Style * !FPFocusByProgram
 Style * FPFocusByFunction
 Style * FPFocusByFunctionWarpPointer
 Style * !FPClickRaisesFocused
 Style * FPClickDecorRaisesFocused
 Style * FPAllowRaiseClickFunction
 Style * FPReleaseFocus
 Style * FPReleaseFocusTransient
 Style * !FPGrabFocus
 Style * !FPGrabFocusTransient
 Style * OverrideGrabFocus

 DestroyFunc UrgencyFunc
 AddToFunc UrgencyFunc
 + I Iconify off
 + I Raise

I know on which side my bread is buttered. John Heywood
Manoj Srivastava     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    <http://www.golden-gryphon.com/>
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

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