In the Styles:Icons, shading, maximizing, movement, resizing section
of the man page, there are some errors.

AllowMaximizeFixedSize enables the function Maximize to be performed
on windows that are not resizable, unless maximisation has been
disabled either using the style Unmaximizable or throuth WM hints,
This on by default. The opposite, !AllowMaximizeFixedSize, inibits all
windows that are not resizable from being maximized.

AllowMaximizeFixedSize enables the function Maximize to be performed
on windows that are not resizable, unless maximization has been
disabled either using the style !Maximizable or through WM hints. 
This on by default.  The opposite, !AllowMaximizeFixedSize, inhibits
all windows that are not resizable from being maximized.

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Jonathan Kotta

Hofstadter's Law:
    It always takes longer than you expect, even
    when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.

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