On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 10:18:20PM -0400, Dan Espen wrote:
> Mikhael Goikhman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > "Next Focus" should normaly circulate around all matching windows.
> > But if some window does not accept focus, it may break circulation,
> > because "Next Focus" makes the problematic window current and tries to
> > give it the focus, this fails and the previous window stays focused
> > forever while you execute "Next Focus".
> > 
> > Receiving the focus may fail becuase either a program sets "Focus Policy"
> > to "No input" or a user explicitely gives a window NeverFocus style.
> > 
> > There are 2 solutions to solve breaking circulation. The first is:
> > 
> >   Style * Lenience
> > 
> > This instructs all (or some) windows to accept focus regardless of what
> > the program requests. The second solution is to find a problematic window
> > and make it CirculateSkip, for example:
> > 
> >   Style XClock CirculateSkip
> >   Style FvwmPager CirculateSkip, WindowListSkip
> Isn't something in fvwm broken?

I wouldn't call it broken.  It depends on what you want to do with
the window.  If you want to give the window the focus the windows
should be skipped, but not if the action is "Raise".

> How about:
> Next (AcceptsFocus) Focus

Looks good.  I'll see what I can do.

> Next (*) Focus Force

I don't think this is necessary or even useful.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

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