Bob Woodside wrote:
> Dominik Vogt wrote:
> >
> > Anyway, if you send me your sample program I'll have a look at the
> > problem.
> was attached to the last email. However, ignore it. I'll send
> you a revised version, if you like, that reveals more information.
> Here's what it shows.
>         The Leave/Enter events are semi-spurious. They occur (in that order)
> between every Btn1Down and Btn1Up, and they have mode = NotifyGrab and
> mode = NotifyUngrab, respectively. This happens when the pointer gets
> grabbed away from the window it's currently in. It looks like we're
> grabbing way too often - or possibly even doing the whole focus thing
> too often - on every single click. This should happen only on the first
> click needed to transfer focus to the window, not on subsequent clicks
> when the window already has the focus. It confuses the Xt lib routines
> that handle double click detection.

        On further investigation, I can't see any extra grabs occurring. But
upon looking at the changes in events.c (HandleEnterNotify and
HandleLeaveNotify), I see you've been wrestling with this general
problem already, a few months ago. It looks as though we may have some
more fine-tuning to do in that area.

        I'm attaching the revised version of the test program - it's really
little more than a textbook example that *should* work as is.


Attachment: dblclktst2.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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