To date, this bug has 2 votes.  I don't think Sun is getting the
message that Java users want Java to work with Fvwm.
It only takes a few minutes to register and vote.

While you are there, you might consider voting for 4401846 also.
This one has 10 votes, but a few more won't hurt.

Keith Spainhour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi fvwm developers,
> Here is the bug info sun has returned to me inregards to the
> multi-byte chars appearing in the title string.  Vote for
> it on sun web page once it shows up.  Maybe they'll fix it.
> Keith Spainhour
> --------------
> Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 11:03:11 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: (Review ID: 128437) multi-byte chars ("(B") sent to title bar of
>  windows
> Hi Keith Spainhour,
> The bug report you submitted has been determined to
> be a new bug. It has been entered into our internal
> bug tracking system with the assigned Bug Id: 4481877.
> The state of the bug can be monitored via the The Java
> Developer Connection Bug Parade at:
> It may take a day or two before your bug shows up in this
> external database.
> The Java Developer Connection is a free channel that is maintained
> by staff here at Sun.  Access this web page to join:
> The home page for the Java Developer Connection is:
> Regards,
> Paul

Dan Espen
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