On Wed, Aug 01, 2001 at 03:50:43AM -0500, fvwm-bug wrote:
> FVWM Bug Tracking notification
> new message incoming/751
> Message summary for PR#751
>       From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       Subject: FvwmIconBox dies on starting acroread/netscape
>       Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 03:50:42 -0500
>       0 replies       0 followups
> FvwmIconBox dies on starting either acroread or netscape (versions:
> acroread 4.05, netscape 4.77). I couldn't find any other program causes the
> the same result (up to now). 
> Everything else works fine. 
> The following error message is given in the log when FvwmIconBox dies:
> FvwmIconBox: Cause of next X Error.
>    Error: 2 (BadValue)
>    Major opcode of failed request:  53 (CreatePixmap)
>    Minor opcode of failed request:  0
>    Resource id of failed request:  0x0
>  Leaving a core dump now
> Fvwm V2.3.31 comes from SuSE 7.2, the other two versions (2.3.33 and 2.4.0)
> were compiled by myself. 
> A drawback might be that the .fvwm2rc file has a long history and might
> contain entries which causes the probelem. But I couldn't find anything in
> the docs. 
> The complete .fvwm2rc is attached at the end.
> Thank you a lot for you efforts,

To the list:  Is that the same problem that was fixed a while ago?


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

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