Dominik Vogt wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 08:05:13PM +0530, Narendra.M. wrote:
> > Hello guys,
> >
> > I am working on a configuration tool for FVWM (and similar WMs). Its called 
> > fvwmrcedit
> > and is hosted at ( It writes 
> > and edits fvwmrc
> > files and is written using the Xt toolkit and the Athena widget set. I have 
> > covered basic
> > options to some extent and am now working on editing menus (that part is 
> > not complete).
> > Hope you guys will have a look at it and try it out. Thanks in advance.
> We are definitely interested in such a tool.  I didn't have time
> to look at it yet, but I'll do so as soon as I can.  It would be
> a good idea to join the fvwm-workers mailing and to discuss the
> overall design and how the tool is intended to be integrated with
> fvwm.

I'd just like to point out that fvwm already has everything it needs to
create a set of configuration gui's due to Dan's enhancements of the
FvwmForm module to enable them to read & write to file. A couple of
years ago I actually attempted to utilise this method to create a
complete config tool but received very little or no interest.

Eventually I was persuaded to abandon the project in favour of the new
fvwm-themes project, but I'm hoping to now ressurect it to create some
gui config tools for fvwm-themes.

I attach a simple form to configure the FvwmWinList module as an
example. This form is still just an example and should be optimised at
some stage but it works. Invoke it normally as Module FvwmForm
FvwmForm-WinList then once you have saved your settings it should
automatically reload them upon each invocation a la FvwmForm-Form.

This method would enable building a config tool without the need for any
other software other than fvwm itself. Perhaps FvwmScript's capabilities
of swallowing other forms and scripts could be used to keep the suite of
gui's tidy?

#                   FvwmForm-WinList   by   Alex Wallis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmForm-WinList: *

*FvwmForm-WinList: WarpPointer
*FvwmForm-WinList: Line center
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "Form to configure FvwmWinList"
*FvwmForm-WinList: Line center
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text 
*FvwmForm-WinList: Line center
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "Refer \"man FvwmWinList\" for details."
*FvwmForm-WinList: Line center
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "Geometry"
*FvwmForm-WinList: Input GeomX 6 ""
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "X"
*FvwmForm-WinList: Input GeomY 6 ""
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "Y  --  Font"
*FvwmForm-WinList: Input WLFont 40 ""
*FvwmForm-WinList: Line right
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "Colorset"
*FvwmForm-WinList: Input ColMain 3 ""
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "          ButtonFrameWidth"
*FvwmForm-WinList: Input BFWidth 3 ""
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "                "
*FvwmForm-WinList: Line right
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "FocusColorset"
*FvwmForm-WinList: Input ColFocus 3 ""
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "                  MinWidth"
*FvwmForm-WinList: Input MinW 3 ""
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "                "
*FvwmForm-WinList: Line right
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "IconColorset"
*FvwmForm-WinList: Input ColIcon 3 ""
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "                  MaxWidth"
*FvwmForm-WinList: Input MaxW 3 ""
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "                "
*FvwmForm-WinList: Line center
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "#------------------------- Options 
*FvwmForm-WinList: Line center
*FvwmForm-WinList: Selection    Opts    multiple
*FvwmForm-WinList: Choice       DepFoc  DepFoc  off     "DontDepressFocus"
*FvwmForm-WinList: Choice       FWList  FWList  off     "FollowWindowList"
*FvwmForm-WinList: Choice       USList  USList  off     "UseSkipList     "
*FvwmForm-WinList: Choice       SCDesk  SCDesk  off     "ShowCurrentDesk "
*FvwmForm-WinList: Line center
*FvwmForm-WinList: Choice       NoAnch  NoAnch  off     "NoAnchor        "
*FvwmForm-WinList: Choice       UIName  UIName  off     "UseIconNames    "
*FvwmForm-WinList: Choice       LeftJ   LeftJ   off     "LeftJustify     "
*FvwmForm-WinList: Choice       TruncL  TruncL  off     "TruncateLeft    "
*FvwmForm-WinList: Line center
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "#-------------------- Actions & Responses 
*FvwmForm-WinList: Line center
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "Click1"
*FvwmForm-WinList: Input        Clk1    30      ""
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "      Click2"
*FvwmForm-WinList: Input        Clk2    30      ""
*FvwmForm-WinList: Line center
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "Click3"
*FvwmForm-WinList: Input        Clk3    30      ""
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text "NoIconAction"
*FvwmForm-WinList: Input NoIAct 30      ""
*FvwmForm-WinList: Line left
*FvwmForm-WinList: Text ""
*FvwmForm-WinList: Line expand
*FvwmForm-WinList: Button       quit    "F1 - Save"     F1
*FvwmForm-WinList: Command      DestroyModuleConfig SavedFvwmWinList*
*FvwmForm-WinList: Command !(/bin/echo \
'# This file last created by FvwmForm-WinList. on :`/bin/date`.'        ; 
/bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: WLTheme $(WLTheme)'                         ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: GeomX $(GeomX)'                             ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: GeomY $(GeomY)'                             ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: WLFont $(WLFont)'                           ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: ColMain $(ColMain)'                         ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: ColFocus $(ColFocus)'                       ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: ColIcon $(ColIcon)'                         ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: BFWidth $(BFWidth)'                         ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: MinW $(MinW)'                               ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: MaxW $(MaxW)' ) > $HOME/.fvwm/.FvwmWinList
*FvwmForm-WinList: Command !(/bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: DepFoc "$(DepFoc?on)'                       ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: FWList $(FWList?on)'                        ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: USList $(USList?on)'                        ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: SCDesk $(SCDesk?on)'                        ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: NoAnch $(NoAnch?on)'                        ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: UIName $(UIName?on)'                        ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: LeftJ $(LeftJ?on)'                          ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: TruncL $(TruncL?on)'                        ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: Clk1 $(Clk1)'                               ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: Clk2 $(Clk2)'                               ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: Clk3 $(Clk3)'                               ; /bin/echo \
'*SavedFvwmWinList: NoIAct $(NoIAct)' ) >> $HOME/.fvwm/.FvwmWinList
*FvwmForm-WinList: Command !(/bin/echo \
'# This file last created by FvwmForm-WinList. on :`/bin/date`.'        ; 
/bin/echo \
'DestroyModuleConfig FvwmWinList: * '                           ; /bin/echo \
'$(GeomX?*FvwmWinList: Geometry $(GeomX) $(GeomY))'             ; /bin/echo \
'$(WLFont?*FvwmWinList: Font $(WLFont))'                        ; /bin/echo \
'$(ColMain?*FvwmWinList: Colorset $(ColMain))'                  ; /bin/echo \
'$(ColFocus?*FvwmWinList: FocusColorset $(ColFocus))'           ; /bin/echo \
'$(ColIcon?*FvwmWinList: IconColorset $(ColIcon))'              ; /bin/echo \
'$(BFWidth?*FvwmWinList: ButtonFrameWidth $(BFWidth))'          ; /bin/echo \
'$(MinW?*FvwmWinList: MinWidth $(MinW))' ) > $HOME/.fvwm/ConfigFvwmWinList
*FvwmForm-WinList: Command !(/bin/echo \
'$(MaxW?*FvwmWinList: MaxWidth $(MaxW))'                        ; /bin/echo \
'$(DepFoc?*FvwmWinList: DontDepressFocus)'                      ; /bin/echo \
'$(FWList?*FvwmWinList: FollowWindowList)'                      ; /bin/echo \
'$(USList?*FvwmWinList: UseSkipList)'                           ; /bin/echo \
'$(SCDesk?*FvwmWinList: ShowCurrentDesk)'                       ; /bin/echo \
'$(NoAnch?*FvwmWinList: NoAnchor)'                              ; /bin/echo \
'$(UIName?*FvwmWinList: UseIconNames)'                          ; /bin/echo \
'$(LeftJ?*FvwmWinList: LeftJustify)'                            ; /bin/echo \
'$(TruncL?*FvwmWinList: TruncateLeft)' ) > $HOME/.fvwm/ConfigFvwmWinList
*FvwmForm-WinList: Command !(/bin/echo \
'$(Clk1?*FvwmWinList: Action Click1 $(Clk1))'                   ; /bin/echo \
'$(Clk2?*FvwmWinList: Action Click2 $(Clk2))'                   ; /bin/echo \
'$(Clk3?*FvwmWinList: Action Click3 $(Clk3))'                   ; /bin/echo \
'$(NoIAct?*FvwmWinList: NoIconAction $(NoIAct))' ) >> 
*FvwmForm-WinList: Command Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-WinList 
*FvwmForm-WinList: Button       continue        "F2 - Test"     F2
*FvwmForm-WinList: Command KillModule FvwmWinList
*FvwmForm-WinList: Command Read $HOME/.fvwm/ConfigFvwmWinList
*FvwmForm-WinList: Command Module FvwmWinList
*FvwmForm-WinList: Button       restart "F3 - Reset"    F3
*FvwmForm-WinList: Command      Nop
*FvwmForm-WinList: Button       quit    "F4 - Dismiss"  F4
*FvwmForm-WinList: Command      DestroyModuleConfig SavedFvwmWinList*
*FvwmForm-WinList: Command      Nop
*FvwmForm-WinList: UseData $HOME/.fvwm/.FvwmWinList *SavedFvwmWinList
#-------------------------------------End of 

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