This reply is from Dominik Vogt, because of mail system problems,
the reply appears to come from me.  If you'd like to reply,
reply to fvwm-workers.

On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 06:34:02AM -0600, fvwm-bug wrote:
> FVWM Bug Tracking notification
> new message incoming/852
> Full_Name: Stanislav Meduna
> Version: 2.2.5
> CVS_Date: 
> OS: Red Hat Linux 7.2
> X_Server: XFree86 4.1.0
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> There are keyboards that provide special keys such as Power, WakeUp or
> Standby. These keys return special keycodes that can be mapped to the
> keysyms XF86PowerOff, XF86Standby, XF86WakeUp - see e.g. the XKB
> definitions in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/inet.
> I did this mapping and I see the keysyms returned correctly when watching
> them with xev. They are not mentioned in keysyms.h, but the XStringToKeysym
> function also recognizes names such as XF86PowerOff and returns the
> corresponding keysym.
> I would now like to hook some actions to these keys. Unfortunately the fvwm
> does not seem to recognize these keysyms and my bindings are ignored.

On my system, the XStringToKeysym() function does indeed return
the proper keysym value, but then XKeysymToKeycode returns zero.
I don't know if it's the same problem on your system.  Try

  $ xmodmap -pke

and check if the KeySym is actually assigned to a keycode.  If
not, you have to use xmodmap to assign these keys to a keycode.

> I am able to do this in the sawfish wm and I am successfully using other
> keybindings in the fvwm, so I think that the problem is really in the fvwm.

> The keysyms are a bit special in that they have the highest two bytes
> non-null. My uneducated guess is that the keysym values get stripped to 16
> bits somewhere.

No, that's not the problem.  Fvwm uses the KeySym and KeyCode
types defined by the X headers everywhere.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

Dan Espen
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