
Key F11 A M Next (*) Focus

This doesn't work with FlipFocus, but the Focus command spoils the
most-recently-focused order of the windowlist. Ideally, the wm should know
when we cycled to a window that we want focused, and move it to the start
of the list, in contrast to the windows we only had to 'cycle over' to get

I think it depends on what you want the one window list to do. For some purposes the most-recently-focused order is best (e.g. Alt-tab), for others the order of creation is best (e.g. Key F11 above). It may be that two lists are appropriate (same list, different linkages to get different order) but I like the way it is possible to order the windowlist with the mouse and then cycle around in a fixed order with the keyboard.

To make this work, I had to do the following changes to Fvwm:
Focus: don't alter the internal windowlist at all
    This was not the case, instead the newly focused window was rotated to
    front of the list. I eliminated this rotation (in function DoSetFocus
    in focus.c). This doesn't seem to have any bad effects (The displayed
    windowlist starts with the focused window anyway).

Does FvwmWinList still match the WindowList menu?

2. I invented a new command "ReshuffleWindows". It puts the window to
the front of the internal window list, just as FlipFocus does. In
contrast to FlipFocus it works on already focused windows.

I think it might be better to make FlipFocus work on already focused windows rather than invent a new command, is this possible?


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