I miss some dynamism in FvwmButtons. Here are some my future plans.

I will replace the currently undocumented syntax:

  SendToModule FvwmButtons Title/Icon <button-id> text


  SendToModule FvwmButtons ChangeButton <button-id> Title/Icon <value>

I will add changing Font and maybe some more button properties as well.

<value> will be a token for consistency, i.e. should be enclosed into
quotes if it has spaces. This is to enable changing of more than 1
property at once, i.e.: ChangeButton 5 Title "abc", Icon "my.png"

<button-id> may be as it is now, number starting from 0 or "+x+y".
I will also add a syntax similar to "2/3" meaning the button number 3
in the container number 2. Should the syntax start counting from 0 or 1?

I may think about adding other actions like:

  AddToButton <button-id> <property> <value>
  DeleteFromButton <button-id> <property>
  AddEmptyButtonToContainer <container-number>

but I am not sure yet that I will really need them.
Some of these action should change the geometry of FvwmButtons...
What I do need is this action:

  ChangeContainer <container-id> <property> <value>

I also need a Show/Hide boolean option in containers (and possibly in
single buttons) that will (statically or dynamically) show/hide a whole
container or a button. I.e. something like this:

  *FvwmButtons: (Show, Title title1, Font font1, Icon icon1)
  *FvwmButtons: (Hide, Title title2, Font font2, Icon icon2)

Then dynamically:

  SendToModule FvwmButtons ChangeButton 1 Hide; 2 Show

Here ";" unlike "," belongs to ChangeButton, compare with the following:

  SendToModule FvwmButtons ChangeButton 1 Hide, Show, Title my-text

I will not do everything, but I will start this.
Any other ideas or volunteers to do some of the work are welcome.

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