On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 03:38:56PM +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> I'm almost sure that this problem is related to multiple menu
> styles.  It never happened to me while I was using the default
> menu style only, but I could provoke a crash twice when I defined
> a new menu style for the root menu.

It is good to hear that it is reproducible outside of my computer. 

> You can run a separate X server or an Xnest in a window.
> ....
> To run fvwm in an Xnest window (Xnest should run on any X server):
>   $ Xnest -full -sync -name "Xnest :3" -fp `xset -q | grep fonts` :3          
>   $ fvwm2 -d :3 ...

Thanks for the hints. I like the Xnest program it is quite funny to
see a fvwm running inside of fvwm ;-) 
Debugging is much easier that way as well.

> However, the biggest problem at hand is to reproduce the problem
> at will.  As long as it happens at a random time in a function
> that just accesses memory that was corrupted somewhere else, the
> core dumps are not very helpful.

That's the point. Meanwhile I found three positions in file menus.c
where a segmentation fault occured. But this posititions are not the
reason for the memory corruption. 

However I have to stop here since at the moment I am quite busy with
my study, so I can't help finding this little bug. Hopefully in
september I will have more time to work on some patches.  For me I
have disabled the dynamic menu since I hardly used it.

| Uwe Pross
| mail : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| www  : http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~uwp

Have a nice day ;-).

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