On Tue, 20 Aug 2002 11:55:52 +0200 (CEST)
Giuseppe Della Ricca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I seem to remember (but I may be wrong !) that focussed window were 
> conserved not only at 'desk' level, but also at 'page' level, i.e. it was 
> possible to have one focussed window in each 'page'.

        Oh, I certainly hope not! It often happens that I have situation where 
entering input into a focused window that is not in the current viewport (i.e.,
is on a different page) while viewing output in a related window on the current
page. Having the focus forced to a different window on a page switch would be an
unacceptable behavior for me. At the very least, it would need to be optional.

        However, I've never seen such behavior. If it used to happen, then I 
think that
either 1) there is/was some option that I've never noticed that allowed this
(quite possible, we've got lots of options!), or 2) a bug-like feature crept
into some older release that you were using.

> With the current CVS, there's only one focussed window in each 'desk' and 
> it's clear by looking at the colors of the mini windows in the Pager that 
> if a non-focussed window in the current 'page' is given focus, the focus 
> is removed from another window in a different 'page' of the same 'desk'.

        Well, that has to be...there can be only one window that has the focus 
at any
given time. But I think what you're expecting to see is for the focus to revert
to the previous window if you switch back to the page where it's located.

        Is it possible that sometime in the past you observed the following? 
Say you
have the situation you describe above. A window on a different page has the
focus; you switch the focus to a window on the current page; then you close the
newly-focused window, and focus reverts to the window on the other page (the
last window focused); when you switch back to the other page, you see that the
previous window indeed has the focus (because the focus was actually transferred
to it before you switched back to that page, while it was still off the visible
screen). If so, I don't think it was intentional behavior, and has been fixed.

        I seem to recall writing a fix several years ago to correct this 
since it's not a good idea to transfer the focus to a window that the user can't
see. It's fine for an off-screen window to have the focus (as I said, I use that
all the time), but we shouldn't suddenly transfer the focus to an invisible


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