I have been reading the old NEWS and ChangeLogs this evening.  It
was quite an experience to realize that fvwm-2.4.10 is *this* much
more stable than the heap of spaghetti code we released three and
a half years ago as fvwm-2.2.  Did you notice that the type of bug
reports has changed dramatically?  Not so long ago we got a lot of
bug reports with crashes or even build problems.  Nowadays we get
mostly reports about minor but unexpected changes in behaviour or
drawing problems :-)

Am I just imagining things?  No, I don't think so.  The 2.2
releases were almost unmaintainable.  In the two and a half
years between 2.2 and 2.4, there 24 changes noted in the NEWS,
while in the 14 months since 2.4 was released there were 183
changes.  I can well remember the stereotypic "Sorry, there is no
fix for 2.2.y, but it's already fixed in 2.3.z" while at the
moment the vast majority of bug fixes can be applied to 2.4.x
effortlessly.  Today, I get the same work done in a third of the
time :-)

A big thank you to all the faithfull fvwm users who hang out on
this or the fvwm list, constantly bug us with their problems and
make us improve fvwm constantly.  And another big thank you goes
to my fellow developers and all the people who have contributed
code (no less than 128 listed in the AUTHORS file with dozens

I'm happy :^)


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

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