On Fri, Oct 11, 2002 at 09:35:22PM +0530, Arvind wrote:
> Configuration Information [Automatically generated, do not change]:
> uname: Linux spook 2.4.18-3 #1 Thu Apr 18 07:31:07 EDT 2002 i586 unknown
> compiler flags: gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wno-implicit-int
> FVWM Version: 2.5.4
> FVWM_MODULEDIR:       /home/abc/myfs/libexec/fvwm/2.5.4
> FVWM_DATADIR: /home/abc/myfs/share/fvwm
> FVWM_USERDIR: /home/abc/.fvwm
> Description:
>     I have a mouse binding to Alt+Mouse to move a window. But, in
>     the new CVS checked-out versions of Fvwm, it sometimes does not work
>     when there are two windows and one is in the background.
>     It works in a version of fvwm with the last issue in the Changelog
>     dated 2002-09-06.
> Repeat-By:
>     * Config of .fvwm2rc is:
>       --- 8< ---
>       Mouse 1   W  M    Move
>       --- 8< ---
>     * Open a terminal window by right-clicking and choosing Xterm from
>       the builtin menu. Move it around by pressing Alt and dragging the
>       mouse. It works!
>     * Now, open another terminal window similarly and place it such that
>       the old terminal is partly visible. Try to move the old terminal
>       window in the background using the Alt+Mouse shortcut. It doesn't
>       work. The window just blinks. Moving the foreground window still
>       works though.

I can't reproduce it myself, but it doesn't surprise me.  I have
rewritten the focus code recently and that probably plays a role
here.  Please describe the behaviour as precisely as you can:

 * Just to make sure:  did you actually try it with the minimal
   config you posted?

 * What exactly do you have to do to make it happen:
   - Where do you press the mouse button?  Over the interior of
     the window or on some part of the decorations (which part)?
   - Where exactly do you move the windows?

 * What is the "blinking" effect you see:
   - Is the wire frame drawn for a split second and removed
   - Is the lower window raised and then lowered?
   - Or is it a different effect (please describe)?

 * Do you see the move cursor?  If not, does the cursor change to
   some other icon (which)?

 * Please add any additional information that seems unusual, even
   it may seem unrelated.

> Arvind
> PS: I'm not on the list. If you want any more info, mail me.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


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