On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 03:19:30PM +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> Olivier, can you take a look at FvwmProxy and make the necessary
> changes to support localized fonts, please?

Yep, probably before the end of the week.

BTW, I get pbs with FvwmProxy on cvs update. I get:

cvs update: in directory modules/FvwmProxy:
cvs update: cannot open CVS/Entries for reading: Aucun fichier ou r�pertoire de 
ce type
cvs server: Updating modules/FvwmProxy
cvs update: move away modules/FvwmProxy/.cvsignore; it is in the way
C modules/FvwmProxy/.cvsignore
cvs update: move away modules/FvwmProxy/FvwmProxy.1; it is in the way
C modules/FvwmProxy/FvwmProxy.1
cvs update: move away modules/FvwmProxy/FvwmProxy.c; it is in the way
C modules/FvwmProxy/FvwmProxy.c
cvs update: move away modules/FvwmProxy/FvwmProxy.h; it is in the way
C modules/FvwmProxy/FvwmProxy.h
cvs update: move away modules/FvwmProxy/Makefile.am; it is in the way
C modules/FvwmProxy/Makefile.am

But, I've no pbs with FvwmProxy compilation.
I tried to rm this directory and cvs update again, but
get the same result. Any idea?

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