On 23 Nov 2002 09:26:03 +0100, Olivier Chapuis wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 10:37:37PM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> > Take a look at this screenshot (1Mb, sorry):
> > 
> >   http://fvwm.sourceforge.net/tmp/migo-desktop-20021122.png
> > 
> > I didn't polish it, just a quick hack. Looks nice.
> > 
> > The TitleStyle command (executed once) is slow, probably takes a second
> > or two, but a window creation and a window moving are surprizingly fast.
> Can you send me the config.

The config is 6 lines in the screenshot itself, should work with any theme
and "fvwm-root -r" background. Together with:

  ButtonStyle All -- UseTitleStyle flat

Actually, I wanted to say that Colorset commands are slow a bit, but it is
ok, since they copy a huge image into memory. With simple backgrounds it
is fast. TitleStyle commands are relatevely fast, but it depends on a
number of windows. I think it should fly with a better CPU/memory/video.

> > I didn't get an idea yet where fg is taken from, probably a bug.
> Form Style {Hilight}Colorset. But there is maybe a bug with
> Style {Hilight}BorderColorset and Title fg colors. I will
> check.

Just repeated with the same and other backgrounds, the fg in
{Hilight}Colorset is black, but it is replaced everywhere with white now.
Yesterday it was gray or brown. I don't know.
{Hilight}{Border}Colorset fg is not used, anyway it is not white.

Another problem. Move a window, cancel a movement using the second mouse
button or Escape, the title is restored ok, but not buttons and borders.
They are restored on any focus/unfocus.

I like it very much. As I said the window movement is very fast and it is
almost smooth, but not exactly smooth. Try to move a window horizontally
from left to right or right to left. The image noticeably trembles.
Our perfect opaque Move for statical decorations becomes not perfect for
pseudo transparent ones. I wonder whether it is possible to use some
technique to make it perfectly smooth even it will use more CPU.

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