On 23 Nov 2002 01:44:59 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I've written a mod to Direction where you can prefix the arg with Cycle,
> like CycleEast and CycleWest.  With this option, all windows that meet
> the conditional are guaranteed to eventually be hit and when there
> is no "next" window it loops around to the worst match.  The primary
> axis takes precedence and the cross axis is only used to break ties.
> I'm having some real problems with conditionals.  If I use CirculateHit
> or CurrentPage, I get no success, ever.  Any hints will help, but I'll
> look into it more before I start complaining.  For now, !Sticky gets rid
> of my pager and such.

I think Next and Prev with FlipFocus are broken, I saw it sometimes,
especially Prev. I will try to make a good bug report later.

> Currently, my test config looks like:
> Key Alt_L       A   N   SendToModule    FvwmProxy   Show
> Key -Alt_L      A   A   SendToModule    FvwmProxy   Hide
> Key Tab         A   M   SendToModule    FvwmProxy   Circulate Direction 
> CycleEast (!Sticky) SendToModule FvwmProxy Mark
> Key Tab         A   SM  SendToModule    FvwmProxy   Circulate Direction 
> CycleWest (!Sticky) SendToModule FvwmProxy Mark
> On my working copy, ConfigFvwmProxyDefaults is completely commented out.
> Should I
>       a. leave off the SendToModule FvwmProxy Mark and have FvwmProxy.c
>       magically tack it on
>       b. use some standard FvwmProxyMark (and get back into the
>       ProxyDefault issue)
>       c. leave it like this and hope people call the mark
> I'd lean for a, but it's a little late to think straight.

You may do (a) and then if anyone ever wants it, add CirculateNoMark.
Or add both Circulate and CirculateMark now. It's your decision.

> Oh, the WindowListFunc and the $w,  I'd be happy to strip the arg off,
> but we'll need some general buy-in first.

Actually, maybe just use another name for it (like WindowListFunction
or WindowListSelectFunc) when interface is changed, so it will not stop
working if a user redefined it. Any working suggestion is welcome.

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