On 25 Nov 2002 20:31:51 +0100, Olivier Chapuis wrote:
> I would like to add Native Language Support to fvwm by using gnu
> gettext.

>From your description it seems like gettext is pretty problematic.
My first reaction for including this was negative. But when I think more
about it, users in euro-asian (and other) countries should like this.
I predict a lack of translation maintainers, but this should not be a
reason not to have it. I may maintain 2 languages, but I prefer someone
else to do this if possible. :)

> 1 - Add checking for gnu gettext (in the libc or in an external
> lib libintl). This concerns configure.in & acinclude.m4 and some
> Makefile.am. These leads to some usual changes plus some strange
> gettext hack.

I will add fvwm-config --fvwm-localedir or similar.


> At this point we should decide which strings we want to translate.
> Do we want to translate fvwm_msg (I do not think so, at least now)?

Is it possible to have something like  msg = _(msg);  in fvwm_msg
itself? If yes, it may be done. We don't need to actually translate
every string (or any string) if I understand it correctly.

> Do we want to translate fvwm options related msg (I think yes)?
> Do we want to translate the "screen msg" (yes)?


> 5. Add a new "extended variable":
>     $[gt.String]
> where String is an arbitrary (ASCII) string. If the string "String"
> can be found in the fvwm catalog replace $[gt.String] by its
> translation. If not replace $[gt.String] by "String".

Seems very useful, without this I would be less enthusiastic.
Just a note, String should be able to contain '\n' and '\]'...

> 6. At this point we can use 5 for some of our samples (rc and Form).
> This will gives translation for some words which are used in
> a wm config and 5. will be more useful.
> A problem is that it seems that xgettext is no able to properly
> extract the strings to translate from a fvwm config file. We should
> write a tool (in perl) that can build a "pot" file from a set of fvwm
> config file.

I don't think we need to translate our samples. And if we translate them
I can't see how it is possible to create a list of messages automatically.
It is an AI job to decide whether "red" should be translated or not.
This is not needed, IMHO. Also try this:

  perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if /"([^"]+)"/' file1 file2

> 7. A new fvwm command 
>     LocalCatalogs dir [domain]
> (better name welcome) which will look for translation into
> an aditionnal set of "user" catalogs:
>     dir/LL/LC_MESSAGES/domain.mo
> with domain=fvwm by default. This maybe useful for project
> as fvwm-themes or for administrator.

LocalePath? Similar to our other *Path commands.

  LocalePath /usr/share/locale;fvwm:+:/opt/fvwm/locale

Both dir and domain may be optional if there is ";".
Dir defaults to $datadir/fvwm/locale.

> 8. Do somthing special for FvwmScript

Hmm, I see what you mean. :)

I just thought about how it is possible to add the gettext support to
perllib and I see a pretty good solution.

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