I have some plans for new menu functionallity. This will have to wait
until after the feature freeze for 2.6, ofcourse.

The idea (as discussed before) is to have conditional statements in menus.
For example have conditionals to make an item inactive (greyed out),
unavailable and choose different labels depending on conditionals.

For example:

AddToMenu WindowMenu
+       Inactive(!Maximized, !Iconified) "Restore" RestoreFunc
+       Skip(FixedSize) "Size"  Resize
+       If(Sticky) "Unstick" Stick off  Else "Stick" Stick on

Suggestions are ofcourse welcome.
I plan to use the code as the other conditional statements. And also I
plan to add conditionals for all function hints (I implemented
conditionals "FixedSize" and "HasHandles"). This would also involve new
styles "FixedPostion", "Uniconifiable" and so forth.
Yes I know, many people hate when these hints are used. But after all
these are styles so it means freedom for the user...


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