Ive just started using it...

Is there any intention of addng the full geometry setting to it?  Ive
hacked mine to be one button_width wide and a hardcoded x.

Ive also found an undesirable in multirow use.
It tended to add to a row before using all the rows.

     tw = array->w / ((array->count / NRows)+1);            // old
     tw = array->w / (((array->count+(NRows-1)) / NRows));  // fix

Other wishlist:
For multi-row, tuck clock/mail under Start.
Add its own skip-list. For instance, i killed mailtool since it's already in
the mail icon.
Make the "..." thing turnoffable (i killed it in mine).
If iconname is empty, use non-iconname, optionally truncated on left.
Seprate colroset for background (transparent?) from button colorset.

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