Fvwm Version: 2.5.6 fromm CVS

The !CirculateHit condition doesn't seem to work as advertized.
Consider the following .fvwm2rc:

Module FvwmPager 0 3
Style FvwmPager Sticky, CirculateSkip
Key F2 A N Next (FvwmPager !CirculateHit) Raise

The pager window is not raised when I press F2.
If I understand the manpage correctly, the !CirculateHit condition should
neutralize the effect of CirculateSkip. I tried various combinations of
CirculateHit, AcceptsFocus and whatever, but that didn't make a
difference. Only removing the CirculateSkip style helps.
Have I encountered a bug, or am I misunderstanding something badly?

This problem isn't really severe for me, I can work around it by dropping
the CirculateSkip style alltogether and adding a AcceptsFocus to all me
focus-cycling commands.

Best regards


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