
I am in the proccess of getting fvwm to support the randr extension.
So far I have got fvwm to see the RRScreenChangeNotify event, now I just
figure out what do do where it says "what else to do" in the following 
snippet of code. (mabey I should have fvwm restart there?)

void HandleRRScreenChangeNotify(const evh_args_t *ea)
    if (FRandrSupported)
        if (XRRUpdateConfiguration( (ea->exc->x.etrigger) ) )
            fprintf(stderr,"XRRUpdateConfiguration success\n");
            fprintf(stderr,"XRRUpdateConfiguration failed\n");

        fprintf(stderr,"RRScreenChangeNotify -- width %d, height %d\n",
                DisplayWidth(dpy, Scr.screen), DisplayHeight(dpy,Scr.screen));

        Scr.MyDisplayWidth = DisplayWidth(dpy, Scr.screen);
        Scr.MyDisplayHeight = DisplayHeight(dpy, Scr.screen);

        /* what else to do?*/

does any one have a clue for me?

I have the somwhat incomplete and broken patch here, if any one 
is interested in looking at it. http://www.xmission.com/~sa/randr.patch

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