On 10 Mar 2003 16:30:13 +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> Since the birthday is only two and a half months from now (1st of
> June), we really need to start thinking about what we want to
> plan.  Here is what I suggest:
>   1. IRC chat with the developers.
>      [no planning required; just announce]
>   2. Finally kick off the fvwm logo contest.
>      [need to agree on the rules soon; the contest shouls be
>      under way on the 1st of June; need a contest maintainer]
>   3. Make a secret 2.4.x demo (possibly 2.4.15 too).
>      [Who can do that?]
>   4. Update the web site for the event, including some historical
>      information.
>      [soon]
>   5. Announce the event on fvwm-announce and some other places.
>      [what other places?]
> I can help with (2), (4) and (5) and write down a roadmap, but I'd
> be gratefull if someone else volunteered for the web stuff.  I can
> *not* help with a demo.

After some busy months I am slowly returning. I will help with the event
organization. I can prepare the web (including a festive design of the
home page later and creating birthday/ tree now). You may send me some
initial plain texts to start from.

I tend to think we don't have enough time for a demo. And 2.4.15 is not
good enough for this, all cool features are in 2.5.x only. So probably we
should drop this idea or postpone it to 2.6.0.

Who else can help with organizing the event? Any artists?

I can think about contests for the best titlebar/menu/panel design.
The works can be posted on fvwm@fvwm.org and voted by readers. The winner
works will be linked from the event page (i.e. birthday/index.html).
I think I can prepare birthday/contest.html with initial rules for
these contests (including a logo) in about a week.

I will gladly receive any help from anybody (Dan).

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