On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 08:49:23AM +0100, Grzegorz Nieweglowski wrote:
> Concerning: FVWM, current CVS version
> I have a request: 
> _Please_ make the functable.c the way it was before 2003-03-03.
> Why? Let me explain:
> On that day Dominik introduced a slight modification ("trigger
> on ButtonPress for many of the functions"), and it's been causing trouble
> ever since. I don't know what was the purpose of those changes, but I know
> one for sure - the "decoration button pressed-in" behaviour has gotten
> really bad.
> Example: Imagine you have a title bar with a "Close" button. In the good old
> days if you pressed the button, the "Close" action wouldn't get executed
> until you actually released the mouse button. This allowed fvwm to show the
> alternate "ActiveDown" decoration, and also to cancel the "Close".
> But now things have changed - it is enough for the user to press the button,
> the action gets executed immediately. Fvwm has hardly time to draw the
> "pressed" button pixmap, the user just sees it "flash" for a microsecond
> - so the Up and Down button states are quite useless (if you can't see it
> clearly, then it's useless. And I can't see it clearly.)
> And secondly, you can no longer cancel the function after pressing the
> button. Which is a bad thing - canceling the "Close" action in the last
> second has saved some of my windows.
> If those two arguments aren't convincing, then I have a third one - all
> other windowmanagers do it the other (old-fashioned) way round. You click,
> the titlebar button gets pressed, and it _waits_ for the user to release the
> button (or cancel the action).
> I presume that Dominik was (and still is) following some Brilliant Master
> Plan, and simply overlooked some of the consequences, but the current
> "pressing is enough to trigger" behaviour really breaks many things when it
> comes to titlebar buttons.
> Dominik? Could you _please_ explain what you're trying to achieve?

I changed it because some functions worked on ButtonRelease (e.g.
iconify) and others on ButtonPress (e.g. Move).  All the
ButtonRelease functions did not work when invoked outside a window
context:  the window selection cursor just flashed and whatever
was under the pointer at that time was immediately selected as the
context window - usually no window, making the action fail.

But as we see now, this removed one bug and made another one
worse.  I will try to fix both problems at the same time.  Perhaps
the Press vs. Release decision can be made based on whether there
already is a context window or not.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^
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