On 15 Apr 2003 13:07:07 +0200, Uwe Pross wrote:
> On 15 Apr 2003 at 10:24:45 +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> > I think it will be much more simple for us and more convenient/consistent
> > for a user if we don't use/pass GET parameters to define all kinds of
> > layouts, themes, css-s. Yes, I really mean this. Only use session values
> > that are valid for the entire site per user. Users with write cookies
> > turned off only get the default layout or the last stored layout (some
> > users enable cookies temporarily only to store settings once).
> I don't see any bad issues by passing parameters via url.

Suppose someone wants to post (or include in his site) a link to the
FvwmButtons man page. If he copies it and it has "?layout=something", all
users are forced to read it using this specific layout that some may find
unreadable. This is bad.

Now, suppose he is smart enough to post a link with everything after "?"
stripped. Now all users are forced to see the default layout. This is not
the best thing to do either.

The best possible way IMO is not to have any GET parameters in url and
use stored session values only (if any).

> Anyway, I think even if we don't use parameter passing via url it is
> good to use the wrapper function "conv_link_target" since it makes it
> possible to manipulate relative links inside the php-scripts.

Sure, I have no objections to this.

> Removing index.html in the root directory should be the only thing to
> do. Maybe we can put a .htaccess file in the root directory which says
> the server should serve index.php before index.html, so we can keep
> the old version fully. I don't know if the server supports this.

Moving index.html to old-index.html would be enough.

One more thing. It would be nice to have 404.php (configured in apache)
that shows an error and suggests to go to the home page. It may also
include a match table that maps the old url to the new one to suggest it.
A possible auto redirection may be used, but this is arguable.

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