On Tue, Jun 10 at  9:51+0200 Scott Smedley wrote:
> Hi David,
> > Finally i have a Dillo with tabs :)  Looks nice. 
> hehe! I like Dillo too.

With Dillo you can observe a behaviour that i don't like:

When you open in one tab an URL with a long <title> the button, the
FvwmTabs window and (only) the current Dillo window gets resized.

Maybe the size of the buttons should work similiar to mozilla (all
fixed size, when no more space is available all buttons shrink as

> >  And a small bug: it crashes when
> > you try to add itself as a tab.
> Hmmm, that's interesting. I thought I guard against this. Certainly if
> I create a tabber & try to add it to itself it reports a:
> "Can't add self to tabber!"
> warning on stdout!

I get this too, but only sometime ;-)

> Could you elaborate on what you did to trigger this bug? I can't
> seem to replicate.

It seems to appear randomly, to increase the chance it happens try

  - Open a FvwmTabs Window, Close it 
  - Open another FvwmTabs Window
  - choose "Multi Add", insert some normal windows and then try to add

Here is some output: 

first lots of

Tk::Error: Protocol error: bad 3 (Window); Sequence Number 272
 Opcode (42, 0) = SetInputFocus
 Bad resource 54525966 (0x340000e)
 at /home/dhansen/libexec/fvwm/2.5.8//FvwmTabs line 398
 Tk::After::repeat at /usr/lib/perl5/Tk/After.pm line 73
 ("after" script)
Tk::Error: Protocol error: bad 3 (Window); Sequence Number 273
 Opcode (42, 0) = SetInputFocus
 Bad resource 54525966 (0x340000e)
 at /home/dhansen/libexec/fvwm/2.5.8//FvwmTabs line 398
 Tk::After::repeat at /usr/lib/perl5/Tk/After.pm line 73
 ("after" script)

but they dont seems to be related to the crash. And then:

Protocol error: bad 8 (Match); Sequence Number 307
 Opcode (7, 0) = ReparentWindow
 at /home/dhansen/libexec/fvwm/2.5.8//FvwmTabs line 565
FvwmTabs: Got ON_EXIT event.
        (in cleanup) Can't call method "debug" on an undefined value
at /home/dh
ansen/libexec/fvwm/2.5.8//FvwmTabs line 250 during global destruction.

Another one: When i close the FvwmTabs Window with n xterms in it,
it may happen that it releases only n-1 and crashes, from stdout:

Protocol error: bad 3 (Window); Sequence Number 170
 Opcode (12, 0) = ConfigureWindow
 Bad resource 77594639 (0x4a0000f)
 at /home/dhansen/libexec/fvwm/2.5.8//FvwmTabs line 565
FvwmTabs: Got ON_EXIT event.

Maybe thats interesting to, i get some warnings on startup:

Use of uninitialized value in string eq at
/usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.0/X11/Auth.pm line 97.
Argument "XCMiscGetVersion" isn't numeric in int at
/usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.0/X11/Protocol.pm line 2018.
Module FvwmTabs started.

I hope this will help you, 


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~]$ fvwm --version
fvwm 2.5.8 (from cvs) compiled on Jun 10 2003 at 03:33:46
with support for: ReadLine, Stroke, XPM, PNG, Shape, XShm, SM,
XRender, XFT

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