On 10 Jul 2003 03:46:55 +0300, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> I would think more before implementing something like this. A lot of
> users already have bindings that make such emergency key redundant.
> I may count several such bindings in fvwm-themes, for example Alt-Mouse1
> inside any window opens the root menu, Alt-Mouse2 raiselowers/moves the
> window, Alt-Mouse3 opens the window menu and Alt-F9 iconifies the window.

Just for the curious, I tried to find all emergency keys in fvwm-themes,
and it is not easy, there are a lot. :) Like Ctrl-Alt-arrows to switch
pages, Ctrl-Alt-1 to Ctrl-Alt-4 to switch desks, Ctrl-Alt-0 to go to the
previous page/desk, Shift-Ctrl-keypad or Shift-Alt-keypad to move the
window to either other pages or for some pixels in the given direction.
Additionally, Alt-F6 may be always used to restore the window from the
maximized/iconified/shaded state, it will be surely extended to support
full screen as well. Did I mention Alt-F11, Alt-PgDn and Alt-PgUp? :)

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