+++ Mikhael Goikhman [2004-01-04 13:34:36]:

> > 
> > Try hitting F11 multiple times... I have been unable to go past 6-7 hits on
> > Mozilla 1.4!
> Pressed F11 100 times in Mozilla 1.4, it does not disappear.
> Just a bad repositioning/jump to +0+0 on un-fullscreen.

I notice that too (the titlebar gets placed outside the screen).

> > This is what fullscreen looks like on my machine...
> > 
> > http://kingsly.net/mozfull.png - 238KB
> Then we use either different fvwm or mozilla versions.
> Do you see empty output or a line with _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN when you
> run the following in xterm:
>   xprop | grep _NET_WM_STATE
> and select a full-screen mozilla?

There is no output on both Mozilla and Firebird.

> > (and I just noticed that gkrellm remains on top of Mozilla too! ref. other
> > thread.)
> It seems that currently a window in FULLSCREEN state is simply raised, I
> think it may be placed into layer 10 too, or this may be configurable.

This functionality has changed between 2.5.7 and 2.5.8 .. in 2.5.7 both
mozilla and tvtime go fullscreen and on top... but in 2.5.8 gkrellm stays on
top of both the apps.

> > > If you press Alt-Tab (WindowList) do you see "disappeared" windows?
> > 
> > Nope it disappears from the WindowList too.
> So, it just quits (or dumps core)? What does "ps" say?

It neither quits nor dumps core!! You can still see it running in the output
of top/ps .. and it seems to be working okay.. because starting a second
instance of Firebird causes a "new window" to be opened.(It's not a fresh
instance of Firebird because it doesn't load my home page.)

FWIW, I'm using ...

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031022 Firebird/0.7


Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030701

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