hi to all, and Mikhail,

if written a quick hack what splits the mailcap file, then it
looks-up the extension -> mime-type in a function, and when found, compares
that mime-type with the mime-type in the mailcap file, and
uses finally (when found again) that mailcap program in fvwm-menu-directory.

I would have to make the code more proper, but then again I don't
know much about perl.

I don't know if this is a good solution, that's why I ask here.

The next problem would be to decide what icons to use for what

Maybe using an additional config file ?
mime-type -> icon,

or more probably using a command line option like this:
--mime-pic="text/html html.png, text/plain text.png" ...

thanks and  greetings
marco candrian

           (o_         GNU/Linux is GREAT      
           V_/_        http://www.calmar.ws 

Attachment: fvwm-menu-directory.patch
Description: Binary data

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