>     Next (Netscape konqueror Mozilla*) WarpToWindow 99 90

This is a nice implementation of an "OR" rule, is there any way of specifying
and "AND" rule? For example, a rule to match a window with Class "Netscape" 
and Title "local*". Now that multiple window names can be read, why not
include one.

For example, i would want these to this expression
All (Netscape) ThisWindow (local*) ...
to be reduced to 
All (Netscape local*)

But this is exactly the syntax used by this patch, hence it means "OR".
By default, all other conditions must be true, so i propose an alternate
syntax for window name/class/resource "OR" conditions:
All (Netscape |konqueror |Mozilla*) ...

Perhaps it's not worth the effort?
I just thought it was a little counter-intuitive.

This also works well with "not" commands:
All (Netscape |konqueror |Mozilla* !Opera) ...
will match all browsers except opera if "!Opera" is read as an "AND NOT"
(which is subtly different to the patch syntax's implied "OR NOT")

I guess one could implement an "OR NOT" rule, but i strongly doubt the 
usefulness of it.

I'd imagine a _full_ implementation of this would require a linked list
of linked lists so one can specify multiple OR conditions eg.:
All (Netscape |konqueror  http* |file* !http://www.google*)
would match all netscape and konqueror windows with titles that start with 
either http or file but not showing google. Note the "not google" rule needn't
be applied to a specific list as its evaluation to true anywhere negates the

But of course a simpler (perhaps better too) method would just implement:
All (Netscape |konqueror |http |file !opera)

Of course, these are all just suggestions :)

Great patch though,

- Craig


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