On 24 Jun 2004 08:33:34 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Message summary for PR#1328
>       From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       Subject: Problem Installing  fvwm-themes-0.7.0-2
> Full_Name: Jon Turenne
> Version: fvwm 2.5.10
> When I try to install the themes PKG, I get a dependency error, saying that
> I need to have >= 2.5.8.   Since I am running 2.5.10, I should be fine.  I
> have also tried this with FVWM 2.5.8, and got the same results.
> >>pats:~> fvwm -version
> >>fvwm 2.5.10 compiled on Jun 24 2004 at 08:42:13

Compiled by hand.

> >>pats:~> sudo rpm -i fvwm-themes-0.7.0-2.noarch.rpm
> >>Password:
> >>error: Failed dependencies:
> >>        fvwm >= 2.5.8 is needed by fvwm-themes-0.7.0-2

This is a general rpm dependency problem that has nothing special to do
with fvwm and fvwm-themes.

Like the error says, you should install fvwm rpm before installing
fvwm-themes rpm. Both rpms are available in the same place. If you prefer
to install fvwm from sources, then install fvwm-themes from sources too.

Think about it. You installed fvwm into the /usr/local or some other
prefix, but this rpm uses the /usr prefix, it simply can't work together
with your manual installation and thus the dependancy error is good.

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