On 09 Jul 2004 10:46:45 -0500, FVWM CVS wrote:
> Modified files:
>       fvwm           : module_interface.c 
> Log message:
> * Removed old module interface.

At least one change (order of arguments in CONFIGURE_WINDOW) is bad.
The flags are of the variable size and thus should be last.

If you ever change any event arguments, please update file
perllib/FVWM/EventNames.pm (including format, names and types of the
event args), or tell me to update. Testing all modules that use that
event would be nice too.

BTW, I am really unhappy with the new flags method that is pretty much
C-only. Modules that can't embed the .h data structure simply can't use
window flags. The old method with positioned word-based properties rather
than compiler dependent bit-based flags was more robust. Currently a
module should be in C and should be compiled by the same compiler with
the same options, otherwise it may not get window flags correctly...
I don't have a good solution here.

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