Hello !

I would  like to setup  fvwm to display  this behaviour about  focus :
when a new window is created  or deiconized, if its parent app has the
focus, then, it gets the focus,  otherwise, it does not get the focus,
even  if it is  displayed below  the mouse  cursor and  even if  it is
requesting it specifically.

I am using actually sloppy focus and I have two distinct problems :
 - gaim  popups the dialog message when  a new message comes  and I do
   want it to be popup, but I  do not want it to get the focus because
   I may be  typing something else. In fact, I would  like it to never
   get the focus,  except when I deiconify myself, or  when I click on
   it, or when I move the mouse on it.
 - when  an application popups a dialog,  I would like to  give it the
   focus to be able to use the keyboard to interact with the dialog.

I think that the above  description would solve those two problems. Is
it possible ?
Don't use conditional branches as a substitute for a logical expression.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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