On 7/20/05, Mikhael Goikhman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 19 Jul 2005 14:18:48 +0530, Anupam Kapoor wrote:
> >
> > the background color for the menu is gray, and the popus are indicated
> > by a small triangle filled with white color. (i hope it doesn't sound
> > too vauge).
> >
> > is it possible to specify a different fill color for this ? can you
> > please show me how ?
> If you see a solid triangle, then you use TrianglesSolid, try also
> Menu * TrianglesRelief.
> In any case the colors of a menu triangle is controlled using hi(light)
> and sh(adow) attributes of the menu colorset. With TrianglesSolid, only
> hilight color is used, it is evaluated from bg color if not explicitely
> given, hilight of "gray" is "white". Example of colorset usage in menus
> (from migo theme in fvwm-themes):
ah i see. thanks for the info !

kind regards

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