On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 7:39 PM, Gautam Iyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 02:32:56PM +0100, Ingo Wardinski wrote:
>  > since a while several patches have been existing to allow fvwm to
>  > exhibit menutranslucency and other features. However, a part of these
>  > features never made into fvwm. Currently, the users (which want such
>  > features) have to apply patches to the actual fvwm-version in order to
>  > get these, again and again as the fvwm-version changes. This seems to
>  > me slightly dissatisfactory, as it consumes time which has been spent
>  > already to patch a previous version, not to mention the time which is
>  > needed to adjust the patches.
>  I think it would be wonderful to have some of these patches included.
>  My wonderful distribution (Gentoo) thankfully ships Fvwm with some of
>  these patches applied. (The same is true for the live ebuild in the
>  devnull overlay). So I won't be heartbroken if this request is ignored
>  or denied.
>  But it would be nice to have these patches made "official".

I've been working lately in adding support for "real" transparency
(using a composite manager) to fvwm. It's not as easy as I'd like, and
I've been restraining myself from submitting my patches to the tree.

On the other hand I haven't looked at those translucency patches, but
I promise I will asap. But be aware that I'll not personally include
any "hacky" changes, as they tend to make our job more difficult. And
non-composite transparency/translucency code tends to be a bit


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