
> On my system if I go full screen (control-L in acrobat reader), the 
> CONTENT of the PDF document occupies entirely my screen (as it should be), 
> no borders, no titlebar.
> On the laptop instead when I hit control-L in acrobat reader, there is 
> also the window manager decoration. Which is annoying (since the bottom 
> part of the PDF document goes below the bottom of the screen.
> Is this an fvwm thing, an acrobat thing or both ?
> My local .fvwmrc contains
> Style   "AcroRead"      StartsRaised, FPGrabFocus

I'm puzzled -- what in that is removing the decorations from AcroRead?

> The .fvwrc on the laptop contained the same, I added
> Style "AcroRead" StartsRaised, FPGrabFocus, NoTitle
> with no effect.
> I added an entire line with:
> Style "Adobe Reader" StartsRaised, FPGrabFocus,NoTitle

I use Adobe Reader 7.0 (when I have -- I prefer version 4 because it's
leaner!) and it works fine for me. I have:

        Style AcroRead NoTitle,NoHandles,BorderWidth 0
        Style "Acroread" NoTitle,NoHandles,BorderWidth 0

I think I remember having to add the second line because with 7.0 the Class
changed from AcroRead to Acroread.

> The window manager title bar correctly disappears when I start acrobat 
> reader in a window, but as soon as I go full screen it appears again. !!

It's possible that Adobe Reader 7.0 uses a different Name for the window when
it's full screen? The above (Acroread) is the Class.

Actually, if it does use a different name when in full screen that may be a
way to have it undecorated full screen, but decorated when not full screen --
which is what I've always wanted!


> On my system if there is an URL link in the PDF document (generated by 
> latex), when I click on it, a new firefox window is opened AND I'm 
> automatically switched to the second desktop.
> On the laptop the new firefox window is opened in the second desktop, but 
> I am not automatically switched to it. I can do it via the pager which is 
> sticky.
> There is nothing different in the .fvwmrc's which causes this as far as I 
> can tell. Both have
> Style Gecko StartsOnPage 1 0 0, SkipMapping, NoPPosition
> QUESTION: how can I force the automatical desktop switching ?

If the Latex (presumeably presentations) are generated by you, then you could
make them call a script when the URL is clicked on which changes desktop via
FvwmCommand before invoking Firefox. I do this sort of thing when teaching
programming -- click on a `button' in my pdf which changes desktop to one
where I can run programs, etc..



#1 is a text label, run.eps is the picture of a button, and #2 is teh script I
want to run.

The only snag is that the script can't be given paremeters via the \href, so
you have to have a script for each `demo'.


DEMOS/1/6/demo-1.sh includes:

        FvwmCommand "GotoDesk 0 1"
        # Create somw windows on thsi desktop, e.g.:
        nedit -geometry "$neditGeometry" `ls *.java 2>/dev/null` &
        xterm -title "1 Xterm" -geometry "$xtermGeometry" \
          -e /bin/bash -c "$scriptName nonNull; /bin/bash" &
        # Wait for processes to end.
        FvwmCommand "GotoDesk 0 0"

So, when I click on the button, the desktop changes, some windows are created,
and when I quit those windows I am taken back to my presentation. ;-)

Thanks, John

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