I'm using fvwm-2.4.19 on RedHat Enterprise 4.  Most windows work fine,
but when I open an acroread window the top and left borders are not in
the current workspace.  The upper and left edges of the acroread
application line up with the upper and left edges of the current
workspace.  The borders are in the next workspaces to the left and top.

My system at home uses 2.5.18 on Debian etch and it doesn't do this.
I can't find any relevant differences in the fvwm config file.
I have: 

   Style * MinOverlapPercentPlacement 
        Style * NoPPosition
        Style "Acroread" NoUSPosition

I tried changing/commenting these, but no help. Any ideas?  Thank you,


   E Frank Ball                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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