On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 15:10:47 +0100
Chris G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 04:07:23PM +0200, Jesús Guerrero wrote:
> > On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 14:33:56 +0100
> > Chris G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > Up until now I have run a minimal gnome-panel on my fvwm desktop to
> > > get access to the Gnome menus.  However I would prefer not to have to
> > > do this as I have found a better use for the space it occupies.
> > > 
> > > So, what's the easiest way to run the Gnome "Main Menu" applet from
> > > fvwm, preferably from an fvwm menu entry.
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > Chris Green
> > > 
> > The gnome menu is a gnome-panel applets, and as such, it will not work 
> > without
> > the panel, in the same sense that a wheel is useless if it's not attached 
> > to a
> > car.
> > 
> > I don't know of any application that can embed gnome panel applets (well, I 
> > think
> > that the xfce panel had a plugin for such purpose, not sure), however there 
> > are
> > scripts around to build fvwm menus using the .desktop files from the kde 
> > and/or
> > the gnome menus, that's the closest you are going to get, as far as I know.
> > 
> I did try that (the scripts for building menus from applets .deskop
> files) but they never really worked too well for me.
> Maybe I just need a menu entry that launches gnome-panel, that's near
> enough to what I want I guess.

I am not sure what do you mean.

However, if it's all about the space it takes on the screen, maybe you can
try an autohide approach, so the panel will be displayed only when you need
it. I don't know if the panel can do that alone under fvwm, but if not, you
can always emulate it. You can use the model function that there's on the
fvwm faq to create an autohiding terminal which will appear when you touch
the screen border with your mouse.

That way you can get a small gnome panel with your menu without having to worry
about the space it takes.
Jesús Guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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