Thomas Adam wrote:
2009/1/28 Matevz Tadel <>:
For example:
- windows obscure thunderbird window;
- I move the mouse into the thunderbird window, it receives focus;
- I click M1, thunderbird raises but also processes the click,
 selecting the message/folder that was below the mouse, which
 is exactly what I'm trying to avoid.

Again, having tried this with Firefox, where I deliberately clicked on
a hyperlink, the window was not raised.  The same thing happened using
your broken config (I say "broken", the syntax for conditional
commands and modules is *out* of date.)

Thanks, I believed you the first time :) Will fix the syntax, sorry about that.

So it must be another thing. I've noticed that mouse click always sends the
following event sequence (using xev):
 KeymapNotify, LeaveNotify, EnterNotify, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease
even when I'm not in the "grab rectangle" of xev.

Yes, this is exactly what I would expect to see.

Are you sure, because this is definitely not what I'd expect?

I tried with kde and gnome (fedora 10, my desktop where I get this issue), fvwm-2.4.19 (fedora 7) and asked a friend who runs fvwm-2.5.26 (gentoo). On all this systems xev reports the following sequence for M1 click:

a) outside the "grab rectangle"
   ButtonPress ButtonRelease
b) within the "grab rectangle"
   ButtonPress EnterNotify KeymapNotify ButtonRelease LeaveNotify

On my machine with fvwm I get:

a) LeaveNotify EnterNotify KeymapNotify ButtonPress ButtonRelease
b) ButtonPress EnterNotify KeymapNotify ButtonRelease LeaveNotify

Note that in case a) Leave/EnterNotify are sent before the ButtonPress.

If this is truly the expected behaviour, can you please point me to the code in fvwm that causes it.

Is it possible that something in my fvwmrc causes this behaviour?

You mean ~/.fvwm2rc -- and I don't see how.  It's working fine here
for me using FVWM 2.5.27 (CVS) -- although the same will be true for
FVWM 2.5.26.

I'm also using cvs head.

Thanks for your help!

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