My email service got got messed up yesterday so I am sending this message again.
The fvwm mail archive appears to be way behind, so I can't tell it it
went though.
I've switched my subscription to a gmail account.


This has been bugging me for a few weeks and I haven't figured
out what happened or how to fix it.  It used to work until recently
and it still works at my employer (on redhat) but not my current
ubuntu at home.


Style "*"               SnapAttraction  12      SameType Screen

I believe windows should stick to the line between
my two monitors.  I can't imagine why you wouldn't want this
unless you somehow have borderless monitors.

I've tried turning on Xinerama options in xorg and fvwm.
Maybe I missed the right combination.

I'm using

Ubuntu 64-bit Desktop
X.Org X Server 1.5.2
Quadro FX 1300
NVIDIA  X Driver  173.14.12
1600x1200 CRT and 1920x1200 LCD
TwinView mode

I tried

Xinerama On
XineramaSls On
XineramaSlsScreens 2 1600x1200+0+0 1920x1200+1600+0

Section "ServerFlags"
        Option  "Xinerama" "1"

-- Jason Weber

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